Travel Forecasting

Image of Madera Roadway Network, Not detailed.

Madera County Transportation Commission maintains and runs a regional travel demand forecast model or transportation model for the Madera County region.  The Madera County travel model is a conventional travel demand forecasting model. It uses land use, socioeconomic, and road network data to estimate travel patterns, roadway traffic volumes and performance measures.

The transportation model is also important in determining conformity to  both state and federal air quality requirements. Staff uses the model to identify segments of roads that have high levels of congestion creating increased output of pollution from vehicle emissions. 

The Madera County Travel Demand Model 2019 Update Report is a comprehensive documentation of what the model is, how it works, what data is utilized, what data is generated, how the model is calibrated, how valid the model is as a forecasting tool, how to operate the model functions and how to analyze Vehicle Miles Traveled for Senate Bill 743 requirements.

For additional information about travel forecasting, contact Dylan Stone

SB 743 - Vehicle Miles Traveled Resources