2021 Conformity Analysis


On June 23, 2021, the Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) Policy Board adopted, via resolution 21-09, the Final 2021 Conformity Analysis at the June 23, 2021, regularly scheduled meeting. The final adopted documents meet all applicable transportation planning requirements per 23 CFR Part 450 and 40 CFR Part 93. Associated documentation is available for download as indicated below. 

  • Conformity Requirements:  Final 2021 Conformity Analysis, which supports a finding that the 2021 FTIP and 2018 RTP (as amended if applicable) meet air quality conformity requirements for ozone and particulate matter. The 2021 Conformity Analysis is a conformity redetermination for the 2021 FTIP and 2018 RTP with no project changes due to anticipated availability of new transportation conformity budgets in the 2018 PM2.5 Plan that are currently undergoing EPA review.
  • Public Involvement:  includes the Public Notice and Adoption Resolution. 

MCTC conducted a 30-day public review and interagency consultation that was completed on June 21, 2021. No comments were received. The public consultation period is consistent with MCTC Public Participation Plan.

In conclusion, the 2021 Conformity Analysis meet all applicable transportation planning requirements per 23 CFR Part 450, 40 CFR Part 93, and conform to the applicable SIPs.  If you have any questions please contact Dylan Stone, dylan@maderactc.org, (559) 675-0721 Ex17.